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Monday, February 16, 2015

bring back the polar vortex

I checked out your links and looked into a couple others, Quite a man that Fred Trost. One thing that I found a little odd is that, stung by his loss to the spatty minions of big bucks Buckstop, he took himself off to law school and got a degree in law and actually practiced it. As reported by the sources, he was a lawyer for good, particularly taking on the hated DNR.

Myself, I think if I was to choose between two lawyers and one was honest as the day is long and had integrity up the yingyang, and another guy who would like cheat and steal to win the case, I think I would choose the latter. But maybe I would pick Fred, because no matter how my case went, I would always have a well-greased trailer hitch, though I would have to tell him not to piss on my lawn.

I came come across plenty of Fred Trost’s videos on YouTube. I didn’t watch any of them because, well, I used to come across those shows, and as I said, I found them a little more interesting than NASCAR, but not as exciting as golf.

I saw your posting on facebook this morning. You know the meteorologists got a lot of ink out of that Polar Vortex thing last year. The media jumped on with both feet, and the public seemed to like it to. The image I always had was of those winds that circle the north pole, knocked off course by jet streams I think, took a dip southwards into the midwest.

I think the meteorologists were a little embarrassed about how popular the term became, and maybe it wasn’t strictly accurate, but it was going to be cold no matter what, and it makes the earflap and mitten crowd just a little happier to know that they are suffering from some odd, vaguely apocalyptical weather phenomenon, than to think it is merely colder than usual.

So I guess they are just too self effacing to use the term polar vortex this year, and I think it is a pity. There is something though that I saw on one of those weather shows last night where it did look like these concentric circles around the pole appeared to be slipping southward, a little too easterly to center on Chicago like last year’s did once or twice, but pausing smack fucking dab over your tip of Michigan about the middle of this week. I know we are supposed to get some subzero, possibly record breaking weather, but we will still be many concentric circles from the center so I wonder what you will get. Maybe they could bring back polar vortex just to make the whole thing more exciting.

Whatever happened to islamofascist? Used to be very popular among the right wingers, and now with those ISIS guys beheading and burning and actually holding territory, you would think it would be all the rage, but you never hear it anymore.

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