Beagles has it right, I was a hood wannabe in high school. I didn't want to steal hubcaps and I certainly didn't want to get into any gang fights, what I wanted to do was stand on the corner of 55th and Kedzie with a cig hanging out of the corner of my mouth and be cool man cool. In The Wild One when Marlon Brando was asked, "What are you rebelling against he answered "What've you got?" I was rebelling against all that high school rah rah stuff, it was so square.
When I got to college I looked around me and there were no greasers. It was all fraternity and sorority stuff. Maybe that is what I was rebelling against when I became a hippie. In The Wild One all the guys in Brando's gang talk like beatniks. I liked the beatniks, they were a little bit scholarly and weren't so hippy dippy like the hippies, but beatniks were gone by then. Later on I heard about stoners, They did drugs and had long hair like hippies, but they were more thuggish than hippy dippy.
The hippies weren't originally political. Politics was like so establishment, such a hassle, so square. the thing was to drop out, sit around get stoned, groove on the profound truths to be found in that. In truth no profound truths emerged from that, which is why there is no hippie literature (unlike the beats), no philosophy, no nothing Man. When the hippies faded out all they left behind were their goofy clothes, circling the drain in the bathtub of history.
Sometimes the dawgs don't post because they have nothing to say and I look a little askance at that, like they are shirking their duties, but looking at my last post I have to think that maybe they are right. I had some jumbled thoughts in my head, and usually something comes out of that, but in that last post nothing came together.
This shutdown is really something. If it ended today, or maybe in a week, it wouldn't be all that bad, but this is going to go on, well maybe years as the prez says. The dems think they are winning, and so do I. And Trump is not going to budge because what does he care if the country goes to hell in a handbasket. I notice now that he is pointing at another caravan because he thinks he did so well with the last one, but one has to wonder what happened with the last one? Did we suffer from an invasion? Did those armed boy scouts have to stop the horde of rapists trampling across the midwest towards Beaglesonia?
I was listening to something about those caravans on NPR and they were talking about what hell holes Guatemala and Honduras are largely because MS13 was founded in the USA and when they were shipped back to their countries they took them over. Somebody asked well how come that didn't happen with Cuba and Nicaragua, and the guy answered well when their people came here they were treated so much better. Well it makes sense. When people flee a communist country we welcome them with open arms because we assume they are seeking freedom, but when people flee noncommie countries they are just a bunch of poor people, and who wants poor people. Sounds a little like The Mouse that Roared huh?
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