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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Bollix bollocks

Bollocks is a vulgar term for testicles and its usage is favored by our English cousins; we are still separated by a common language, don'cha know.  If a situation becomes pear-shaped they are apt to exclaim "Dog's bollocks!" and if not, Bob's your uncle.

When Mr. Beagles mentioned he couldn't find bollocks in his dictionary I thought I should look for mine, a new-ish copy of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, and see if it was in there.  Not a chance, as the dictionary isn't as new as I had thought.  It's the 10th Edition, dating from 1995; more time has slipped away than I had thought.  Still a good dictionary but online resources are more up to date.


I get the impression that Uncle Ken isn't much of an outdoors type, what with his latest dismissive comment on the Aurora Borealis.  Really, what's not to like about the Northern Lights?   And sitting in a truck bed eating Dinty Moore stew?  Where the hell did that come from?  There may be good reasons why certain non-urban things are such a fat topic for mockery and scorn but I have no idea what they may be.  Oh well, different strokes and all that; we all have our own quirks.


Way back in the 20th century, before the internet was a gleam in Al Gore's eye,  there was a thing called the spoken word recording.  These vinyl records were audio documentaries, covering many topics, and a whole bunch of them have been digitized and are available for downloading.  They are interesting slices of history, and it's kind of cool to listen to Walter Cronkite describe the 60s.  You can find out more by starting here.

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