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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

short and meandering

I dug into my can of Dinty Moore last night.   I don't know where I got the idea that the meat was gristly, it was just fine.  The perfect sustenance for this polar vortex which we should be smack dab in the middle of come Wednesday, by Friday we will be in the positives, just above freezing Saturday which will be Ground Hog Day, less than two weeks after that will be Valentines Day and two days after that pitchers and catchers will be reporting, and two weeks after that the month of March which as I recall comes in like a lion and leaves the same way, will be upon us.  Easter is April 21, could still be some snow then.

And, and I guess that is all I have to say.  If I were like the dawgs I reckon I would just snap on that Looney Tunes trailer, Th-Th-That's all folks, and be about my day.

How about a nice hot war with Venezuela?  Milk Mustache has been brandishing a notepad on which he has jotted down "5000 troops to Columbia."  I wonder if they will be coming from the border where they have been sitting around tossing cards into hats. 

What are the military doing these days?  They are getting piles of money while other agencies are starving and yet what war are they winning, what enemies are they keeping at bay?  At the darkest point of shutdown when our country was at its weakest no enemy struck at us.  Maybe we don't need so much defense.

I reckon we won't see any more shutdowns in awhile.  I think the dems are working on a bill to eliminate them entirely.  I don't know the mechanics of the bill, but it doesn't seem like the founding fathers ever thought it would be a good idea to put something into the machinery so that when any branch of the gummint got a stick up their ass they could shut the whole thing down.

Th-Th-That's all folks.

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