That story left me confused, I'd really like to know what the Dorr-Oliver did? Was it used only on certain occasions, or had it not been used in years? Was this the union voting on it? The union can't tell the company what to do with its equipment can it? Is that why it was never removed, even though the vote was unanimous against it? And was it a poll or a vote?
How come nobody liked Mitch? Was he a slacker, a drunkard, had poor social norms, or was he a crackpot? Did Talks with Beagles tell everybody it was Mitch's idea? If he didn't, whose idea did he tell them it was?
The thing about being mistrusted by both the radicals and the big sucks reminds me of the politicians who are criticized by both the right and the left and boast about that because they think that shows that they are doing something right, but I think maybe it means both sides see what an asshole you are.
But that's not the case with Beagles. Beagles is issue oriented and most all of those issues are on the right of the current political spectrum. Most all of Trump's agenda is also on the right, so naturally Beagles goes along with that, and dare I say, seems often to be saying that is why he supports him and will tend to vote for candidates who support him. Let's say that there are two kinds of conservative republicans. Mitch McConnell types and Jeff Flake types, and it seems like Beagles is a Mitch McConnell type.
I guess it's kind of a tempest in a teapot. I don't believe our readership ever goes much above three. I have urged others to read it, but none of them has ever read it very long. I wonder if either of the dawgs has ever tried to get their buddies or relatives to see the wonder?
I'm still kind of pushing for iconic trips. I had this friend once who told stories, not lies, but events in his life that he had told often and in the telling he had polished them, tossed out irrelevant details, boosted certain important parts. If you asked him, what was the story of him getting fired from some job, he wouldn't go like let's see, first this than that, but it was more like he was leafing through the book of Ed's (I'll call him Ed) stories and finding that particular one, began to recite it with time trusted words.
I guess Beagles does that with those stories dredged up from the days of that old site that went down, but we never get to see any new ones. Old Dog seems me to be a natural born spinner of yarns and I'd like to see more from him. Well I am not the boss of you guys or even of this blog, so carry on gentlemen.
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