Old Dog is correct about just voting for the money for the wall does not mean that it will ever be built. Lots of complications would occur after that and Fuckhead has no use for complications. Actually he probably doesn't care about whether the wall is built or not, it is only interesting inasmuch as it is another triumph for Trump. Once the bill was passed he would quickly lose interest and find some another enemy (or what the hell, friend) to fight.
There has been some talk among some wags about posting fake news stories about how the wall is being built right at this moment and leaking them into the Fox network. I wonder how cheaply Hannity could be bought. I suspect he would be cheaper than you would think,
You know I too am surprised that Fuckhead didn't have his guys from his nearest hotel fix up some fancy dancy chow and shlep it over to the white house and leave Uncle Sugar a nice big tab. On the one hand you would think that Fuckhead would be a big sports fan, but on the other hand I can see where he would quickly get bored with stuff like rules and strategies and really the only hero is Hisself.
But unlike Beagles, who is apparently still getting his social security checks and I imagine they are still plowing and servicing his highway and keeping the Mad Maxes from sweeping into Beaglesonia and shooting all his deer and burning down his rye,so he doesn't see any problem, more and more people are being effected by the non-nothingburger of the shut down. You know people don't get paid so they don't go out to dinner and they don't buy that new car so the restaurants and the car dealers take a hit, and the people who they patronize take a hit and so on and so on.
So where does it all end? One, Fuckhead won't budge. Two, the dems probably won't budge, not unless they are seen as taking the blame, which is far from happening right now. See if we had a democracy, like back before the Hastert (remember Denny?) Rule, the house bill would get heard in the senate and some weak-kneed reps would help pass it and it would go to Fuckhead's desk and he would veto it of course, but eventually more knees would tremble and it would pass over the veto.
Which sounds improbably, but what other scenario, voiding the meteor with Earth's name on it, is possible?
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