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Monday, January 14, 2019

So What Do You Call It?

Okay, this is not a military invasion, but that's not the only kind there is.  Non-native plants and animals that crowd out indigenous ones are called "invasive species".  When grassland is not mowed for awhile and trees start to grow in it, it is said that the forest is invading the field.  I remember, back in the 70s, when British pop music became popular in the US, people were calling it the "British invasion".  If you don't like the word "invasion", I suppose there are other things you could call it, "infestation" immediately comes to mind.  So what do you call it when hundreds of thousands of people cross a national border illegally?  (See the link I posted on Friday.)

In that same link, one of the organizers of the new caravan was quoted as saying that the old caravan, which he also helped organize, was "successful".  What do you suppose he meant by that?  If their intent was to overwhelm the border guards and surge into the country in a swarming mass, well that didn't happen.  Maybe the whole thing was just a diversion to make it easier for other illegals to cross in the lightly guarded sections.  I thought in the beginning that it was kind of strange that the Caravan went a thousand miles out of its way to try to breach the border at the busiest crossing point.  Maybe they thought they would get a better reception from the locals in California than in Texas.

Speaking of links, here's one about the current fake shutdown:

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