As you know these caravans have been going on for some time. The reason Trump chose the preposterous term invasion was to get the people all fired up. The idea that a bunch of people are crossing hundreds of miles to get to the border maybe kick up a little ruckus and peaceably apply for asylum does not get a lot of pulses pounding the way the prez likes to them to be. The English language is rich and varied, surely you can find a more appropriate word, if your attention is to cast light rather than heat that is.
Infestation is a word that many used when our Bohunk forebears came here. Had I been around then I would not have liked it and I do not now. Infestation implies a disease and a weakening of the body. I don't think the American body was weakened by non nordic types crossing the ocean.
I was taken aback by mention the hundreds of thousands crossing the border, but I see here where the subject has been changed from caravans to the regular daily illegal immigration. By a half million to six million this takes place by overstaying visas rather than crossing the border illegally. I mention this because it sounds like Beagles is endorsing the big beautiful wall, but in all fairness he has not brought up the subject so perhaps I am mistaken.
Another topic Beagles brings up is the 'fake' shutdown, by which I assume he means that he personally is getting his social security payments, and doesn't give a fig for national parks and does not care if people he doesn't know personally are having to work without a paycheck.
You know all they had to do was pass a clean bill with no riders and there would have been no shutdown. Trump could have continued with his fight for the wall, though it's hard to see how he could have gotten it with a democratic house when he couldn't with a republican house. Even now if McConnell would let one of those house bills onto the senate floor there is a good chance it would pass the senate and perhaps Trump seeing the whole nation watching him would sign it. Okay a slim chance of that, but it's even possible, seeing how those senate reps are being blamed for this shutdown which most of the nation, unlike Beagles, really hates, might override his veto. Isn't that the way our government is supposed to work?
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