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Friday, January 25, 2019

Dinty Moore and the Aurora Borealis and leftover big bang

All this Dorr Oliver talk got me to wondering where that old paper mill was, so this morning I was driving my googlemobile through Cheboygan (it was summertime there, very pleasant while here it is minus two before the wind-chill (a positive 8 for Cheboygan, what is with that (I think we are closer to the center of the vortex))), and came across the Great Lakes Tissue Company which must be what it is today, huge but not tall, rather plain when seen from the outside.

I still wonder about Mitch.  What kind of crackpot was he?  A beady-eyed one who made people nervous, or a loudmouth who everybody laughed along with, but once he left the room everybody was rolling their eyes and shaking their heads?

And I think Beagles makes a good point, an issue should be decided on its own merits, not on the source,  It's not something we see in these heated political times when the first response to a proposal is to bad mouth the proposer and the proposal never gets discussed, hardly reasonable discussion by reasonable people.

I'm pleased to see that Old Dog has taken on the Dinty Moore challenge, and that he found it well, pretty good.  I'll be venturing out to the Jewel in the heat of the day (positive three) and I'll be sure to bring home a can of Dinty Moore.  But I am confused about the difference between Spaghetti--Os and Spaghetti-O types of canned pasta   Is the former the Campbells product and the latter stuff like Da Chef's cheese ravioli?  If so I would have to disagree, I much prefer the latter.

It's been sometime since I've tasted the wonder of Spam.  I used to chop it into cubes and put it in my Ramen soup, but I think it was best fried in slabs between slices of hearty bread.  I don't know about doctoring up Dinty Moore, if you are going to go through all that work why not start from scratch?

Apparently the subject of the sound of the Northern lights is a big topic on the internet.  Well it is light of which radio is one frequency so there is probably some way to transform them into some kind of sound, but not the same as hearing it straight from the Aurora Borealis's mouth, which I see described as crackles and muffled bangs, not as something like the song of the humpbacked whale which would be nice huh?.

Incidentally back in the days before cable, back in the days when tv used to sign out around midnight, the stuff that came on after the Indian shed his tear and the cool test pattern faded away consisted in part of the leftover radiation from the big bang.

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