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Monday, July 6, 2020

Subbing For The Scourge

Since Old Dog did not post today, I'll be his substitute scourge.

"Now this book was written not long after LBJ resigned." - Uncle Ken

Spiro Agnew resigned, Richard Nixon resigned, but LBJ did not resign, he just chose not to run for re-election.  Since he served less than half of JFK's term, LBJ was eligible to serve two full terms of his own.  I was too young to vote when he was elected in '64, but I would have voted for Goldwater anyway.  If he had run in '68, I probably wouldn't have voted for him then either.  Nevertheless, I was shocked and appalled when all those GIs booed and shouted vulgar expletives in that movie theater when  a newsreel showed LBJ making some kind of speech.  I had never witnessed that kind of hostility toward a president in my young life.  My parents were certainly not great fans of Harry Truman, but I never heard them or anybody speak of him that way.  Of course everybody liked Ike, and JFK was on the road to sainthood even before he was martyred for his cause.  Being stationed in Germany where there was no English language TV, I had no idea that LBJ had become so unpopular.  It seemed to me that people should have had more respect than that for the office of the presidency, even if they didn't like the guy who was currently occupying it.  Nowadays it wouldn't surprise me at all, but those were kinder, gentler times, at least they had been up to that point.


This just in:

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