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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Look to the skies

I'm enjoying Uncle Ken's foray into presidential history, especially in light of the current occupant of the White House.  Names like Nixon and Johnson seem so far away, and they are, but also seem quaint.  What characters!  They say that nothing prepares you for the presidency and it is so, but nothing has prepared us for Trump, a man who occupies a completely different plane than that of his predecessors.  Who can we compare him to?  Nobody, that's who.  He has created his own reality and we are all in its grip, apparently helpless.  It is inexplicable that Congress has done so little and the best efforts of the free press have  been so ineffective in countering his power.  Our last, best, hope may be the courts but that is not something I would bet on.  With the current Justice Department, the fix is in.


Covid-19 is making everybody a little nuts, including me.  There are aspects of the spread of the virus that defy description and there isn't much that I know for sure.  A bunch of sailors from Argentina are infected with the virus and they have been at sea for 35 days; how can this happen?  The rate of infection seems oddly selective but there is no discernible pattern and I'm giving up on finding one.  I'll continue with my current game plan of face mask/social distance/hand washing; that's the best I can do right now.  Whether or not you are outdoors seems to make a difference.  There hasn't been a significant increase in cases where those Black Live Matters demonstrations have occurred but most of those participants were wearing masks anyhow.  There is a real possibility that we will be dealing with this pandemic for some years to come so we might as well get used to this strange new reality.


For some reason I keep getting text messages on my phone from the Trump campaign and they're getting a little pushy, telling me that I've FAILED to accept their 5x matching offer.  I've gotten four of that kind of message last week and one just a few minutes ago.  Are you fellows equally blessed to receive such messages?


Defunding the police is not a good idea, in my opinion.  They need better training, much better screening, and a refusal to accept the military equipment that the Feds like to tempt them with.  Bring back Barney Miller!


Wall Street and big business are completely beyond my understanding.  I read that Tesla is worth more than Toyota and I don't understand why unless it's just numbers on a piece of paper.  Toyota has more factories, sells more cars, and employs more people than Tesla by a very wide margin.  How can it be worth less, smoke and mirrors?  It's like those Hollywood movies that pull in billions and yet don't show a profit.  More than one game is rigged, my friends.


Keep an eye out for those deer ticks, Mr. Beagles, they are on the rise in Michigan spreading a coronavirus-like disease.  And is the visibility any good in Beaglesonia for the Comet Neowise?

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