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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Of little import

Since Old Dog did not post today, I'll be his substitute scourge.

Many thanks to Mr. Beagles for his keen eye and attention to detail; these thing make a difference even if some do not think so.  There are times when I lose interest in engaging Uncle Ken in discussions, it's like he is simply not paying attention.  A while back I mentioned that I didn't understand what he meant about something he wrote and he replied that it was a typo.  Good enough, I thought, except that his "corrected" text was exactly the same as the original text that I didn't understand.  I'll give up on that one.


With all of the noise in the media it's easy for me to forget the important stuff, the little things that bring me pleasure.  For instance, I've neglected asking about the garden situation up in Beaglesonia.  I think Mr. Beagles mentioned that a small garden is usually in play and depending on the crop various critters must be dealt with; they don't all have the same appetites.

I'm a big fan of the farming YouTube channels, and it's spilling over into smaller farms and homesteads.  Some of these guys are newcomers to farming, city folk who have decided to quit the urban life and start tilling the soil, with absolutely no previous experience.  Yes, mistakes are being made but knowledge is being gained and shared.  It takes quite a leap of faith to decided that the quality of your life will be improved by raising ducks and geese.

Every once in a while I'll read about Chicagoans raising chickens in their back yards but there are none around here.  As long as it is not a commercial operation I think it's legal even if your neighbors think it's a nuisance.  No roosters, no worries.

Sorry about the tangent, I've been in a fowl mood lately.  Some time ago my sister mentioned that she saw some hummingbirds in her back yard, which was a surprise to me.  I didn't know those little guys roamed around here.  And then she said a duck built a nest in her backyard tree and laid some eggs.  Baloney, I thought, until I saw the pictures.  We don't know what happened after the eggs hatched; there are also red-tailed hawks in her neighborhood and they get hungry.  So, little sister gets all the cool wildlife while I'm stuck with a rabbit or two hopping around the 'hood.

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