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Sunday, July 26, 2020


There are rickshaws in Chicago?  Some years ago I read that the Asian countries that still had rickshaws were trying to get rid of them.  What did they do, sell them all to Chicago?  Now I understand why Uncle Ken is worried that we are becoming a third world country.

I don't know what to think about all that violence in the cities.  Some are comparing it to the '60s, but I don't remember the 60's as being this bad.  There were incidents from time to time, but I don't remember them as all happening everywhere at once.  Then again, maybe I just wasn't paying attention.  I didn't watch hardly any television in those days, and of course there was no internet.  It may be more than a coincidence that it's happening right in the middle of this corona thing.  With many species, overcrowding leads to an increase in both aggression and disease.  This is Mother Nature's way of telling them that it's time to disperse into new territories.  If that's not possible, then the herd must be thinned to the level that the habitat will support. 

Speaking of COVID, I heard on the TV news the other day that it's now the third leading cause of death in Florida, right behind heart disease and cancer.  With all the publicity it's getting, one would think it's the number one leading cause of death worldwide.  Then again, heart disease and cancer aren't contagious and maybe they've been around for so long that people don't notice them anymore.  Maybe COVID will get that way eventually, receding into the background but never really going away.  Speaking of which, whatever happened to AIDS?  We hardly hear about it anymore, but I don't remember that a cure or vaccine was ever developed. 

We are still experiencing Empty Shelf Syndrome in Cheboygan, although it's not nearly as bad as it was in the beginning, and different items are in short supply on different days.  I found some yeast at the Save-A-Lot the other day, but it's that new fangled fast rising stuff that's supposed to rise twice as fast as ordinary yeast.  It's probably fine once you get used to it.

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