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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

unwon wars and the current massacre

So I'm looking at Beagles's explanation of how he would have won the war in Vietnam, and it seems like he would do the same things we did that did not work, only more of them, or maybe for a longer period of time.  Maybe he would have wanted to invade North Vietnam, which we did bomb pretty heavily, but no boots.  I don't know if invading North Vietnam would have helped, but it would have put  our troops closer to China who wasn't so crazy about Vietnam, but they certainly wouldn't have wanted US troops so close, like they didn't like those in Korea, where I believe Beagles, like MacArthur favored crossing the line into China and maybe dropping one or two of those new-fangled bombs which only we had at the time.

Risky business and for what, having some rickety client state halfway around the world that we would have had to keep propping up?  And here's an idea, maybe we would have lost the war to superior forces closer to their base,actually on their base, on their own land.  Let me say that again, maybe we would have lost. 

The idea that we didn't defeat the commies because we wanted, wait a minute, replace those we's with they's, so that we/they could have somebody to blame when things went bad sounds outlandish, like believing in divining rods.  I mean, even if we won in those Asian countries wouldn't there still be Russia and China, to blame.  And the idea that somehow having international commies hiding under our beds kept Islamic terrorists at bay just has me shaking my head.

And those Islamic terrorists sure have us shaking in our boots now don't they?  All these things we have to do to keep them from coming over to our country and killing us.  And then just yesterday some nut killed sixty of us.;  If he'd been limited to a nice old hunting rifle like Old Betsy, I don't think he'd have gotten more than five.or ten. If we could have kept those super guns out of the nut's hands we could have saved like fifty people. 

Well I know that's not going to happen.  There will be a bit of a hue and cry from my ilk which will just make the NRA happy since they will be able to warn about us coming after their guns which will send the nuts back to the gun store ka-ching.  Actually that doesn't bother me that much because that ka-ching is mostly guys who already have like ten of those things and want to have ten more.  The current nut had way more guns that he could ever have used.

So I don't know, wherever you go there you are.

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