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Monday, October 9, 2017

maybe we never outgrow shooting guns

I found that wiki article too.  What seemed crazy about the study as described by Beagles was that the behavior would go from one island to another even though they didn't know of each other's existence.  How could that be?  It turns out it wasn't.  The other part seemed reasonable, much like that threshold thing where more people jump on a behavior when a bunch of other people do,  Basically I am thinking hula hoops here and that thing I never quite understood where people go searching for Pokeman characters that don't even exist. 

There is that herd mentality, often derided, but sometimes it works.  If you have no idea of what to do, it's not a bad strategy to do what other people around you are doing.  If you round a corner and people are running in the other direction, maybe it's a good idea to join them, lest you get eaten by a giant grasshopper.

I wonder in what way would those bump stocks would be regulated.  I suppose you could make it so they never leave the shooting range. I think they are looking for some kind of trade off, something like universal conceal and carry, and of course my ilk will want something more reaching.  In the end it will be a lot of sound and fury and likely nothing will happen.  But here's something I thought was stupid, how the gun nuts thought it was so shameful that the gun control nuts would bring up the subject right after the massacre.  I mean, what better time?

I looked up unicorn hunters and I came up with something about people being attracted to bisexual poly people.  I think Beagles meant some other term/  There are always these people who get in the papers by decrying some crass term, like hopefully, but it is sort of interesting, I like people who talk about grammar or vocabulary.  There used to be a lot of columnists who did that  like Safire when he wasn't shilling for Tricky Dick.  I miss them.

I think Americans are a little nuttier than other people in that most of us are descendants of people who didn't get along in the old country.  The other difference is that it 's a lot easier to get ahold of weapons of mass destruction here than elsewhere to carry out newsworthy plans.  After I wrote that I started thinking of like the mideast where weapons are probably even easier to get than here.  I guess all the crazy stuff they do is enveloped in some cause.

You have to think that Paddock with all the planning he did could have killed more people with some explosive, but maybe he wanted to shoot people because it is more fun.  When we were kids we didn't play at pretending to plant a bomb, and I suspect that those video games don't involve that either.  There is just something fun about shooting people.  Perhaps when we first started chucking spears  and shooting arrows some gene that favored aiming took ascendancy.

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