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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

and yet another morning wasted

Well shit, I was up late last night watching my team go down with a whimper and I didn't get a chance to read Old Dog's article.  I don't  know why, I certainly didn't spend much time standing up and cheering as out mighty batsmen bashed the ball and our speedy runners dashed across the basepaths scoring run after run.  No, I certainly did not do that,

But I'm not going to read it now, because it's kind of long and I'm getting a late start.  It seems interesting.  I remember once reading a little Plato and he was talking about the different types of government available to humankind, and by gum he sounded right up to date to me.  I will read it sometime today and cogitate a bit on it before tomorrow's post.

From Beagles's reaction it seems like it was some kind of commie screed, and a screeching one at that.  These ruling elites which Beagles speaks of, do sound a lot like, as Old Dog points out, Them, except I think a big feature of Beagles' Them is that  we can never know who They are, while the ruling elites stand out like a sore thumb.

I'll withhold further comments until I am better informed,.

I wasn't willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.  I had my back up against him from the start, but I suppose I did think there was an outside chance, because he had formerly been nominally a liberal, that he might be all over the place, proposing lefty as well as righty things.  That did not come to pass.  My other thought was that he would be, as I colorfully phrased it, a giant jagged kidney stone in the urethra of the elephant, and he has certainly proved to be that.  You know I wonder sometimes if he wasn't so thin-skinned, self-centered, erratic, could he accomplish a lot of stuff for the Republican party, or would being a more rational man dim his luster in the eyes of the yokels that he wouldn't be able to amass that hard thirty-five percent?

I don't know about any investigation bringing the downfall of Trump.  He could be found to have shot a decorated war veteran on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and the republicans would not lift a finger against him lest they offend that hard thirty-five.

He seems to be getting some traction in the polls on that kneeling thing, the yokels love sanctimonious, but now with this thing about calls to fallen soldiers (Note that those letters he was going to send out to the families were going out tomorrow or the day after, giving him plenty of time to have some underling write them (because nobody could trust him to write them lest he throw in a couple references to Crooked Hilary)), he has tarnished the gold star mothers, and I'm guessing that won't hurt him at all with the yokels.

I probably shouldn't call them the yokels.  If I was a big time columnist I wouldn't.  But really, haven't his followers become as noxious as The Great Man Himself?

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