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Friday, September 18, 2015

Social Guilt

Okay, I suppose I am a member of society by your definition of society. No point in arguing definitions, so let's move on. Now see if you can explain to me how being a member of society can  make you feel guilty. You didn't ask to be born into the human species. There are billions of other people all over the world with whom you have little contact or common interests. You can't control what they do and they can't control what you do. At any given point in time, these diverse people are doing all kinds of things, most of which you are not even aware. Are you saying that you feel guilty for what they do? What about when two people, or groups of people, are doing two opposite things at the same time? Do you feel guilty for one or both of them?

Example: A bunch of colored people are marching through Marquette Park in support of open housing, while a bunch of White people are throwing rocks at them. Both of these groups are part of society, by your definition. I'm guessing that the White people are making you feel guilty, and the colored people are not. But the colored people are part of society too. If society is to blame for this situation, and we're all part of society, shouldn't the colored people make you feel guilty too? How can society be picking on the Blacks when the Blacks are just as much a part of society as everybody else? Are the Blacks picking on themselves?

Old Neighborhood: I have heard people say that the Hispanics kind of saved Chicago by becoming a buffer zone between the Blacks and the Whites. Why do you suppose something like that didn't happen in Detroit? What was the attraction that drew Hispanics to your city?

New subject: What's your take on this Planned Parenthood thing? I have read a little on both sides of the question, and it's like they're not even talking about the same thing. I don't believe the government should be funding private organizations of any kind, but that's just me. Do you think this will lead to another fake government shutdown? Why should I care?

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