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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

a piece of paper

Right, ideology is just a bunch of words on a piece of paper, dragged out every now and then for some pompous occasion, and read before a crowd, some of whom are rolling their eyes and some of whom have eyes stained with tears of sincerity, but none of whom are going to let it guide their behavior.  So why bother, is what I am asking.  What does it matter if your ideology is communism or libertarianism or whatever, if it is never going to happen anyway?  Why spend a lot of time thinking about it?  Just throw a dart at the board and then go shoot a deer.

Is is that season? 

So what is your ideology?  Some parts libertarianism, mostly the anti government part and then a lot of identity politics of the we white straight guys have to stick together to keep the nonwhite nonstraight guys and women from taking over.  Come to think of it I am not so sure of the woman part.  You are against them getting to chose an abortion, I'm not sure where you stand on their getting contraceptive medicine, or equal pay for equal work, or anything like that.

There is a phrase for it: liberal guilt.  Surely you have heard it before.  Generally we liberals are pretty well off, but then we see that others are not so well off, and then we realize that they are not so well off because the deck is stacked against them.  And we can't see ourselves as blameless as a Beagle because we know that we have benefited from these unfair laws, and even if we could somehow argue that we didn't make these laws, we feel like we are part of society and we want it to be a just society, so we feel it's our responsibility to try to make it more fair, and there it is.

I imagine in that movie the reason Stanley was getting spears chucked at him was because some Hollywood guy thought it would make the movie more exciting.  The real Stanley may or may not have had spears chucked at him, but you will never find that out by watching a movie. 

I am tired, I am weary.  It seems like we just keep going round and round over the same issues like that little whirlpool in the bathtub after you pull the plug.

Remember back in high school when you would ask your buddy if he was going and he would ask where, and you would say, down the drain with the rest of the shit?

Those were the days, huh?

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