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Friday, October 2, 2020

wise choices in troubled times

 So what made up your mind to vote for Trump was that somebody you hated hated him and he hated her back, and what confirmed to you that it was a wise decision was that it pissed off The Institute's very own kindly Uncle Ken.  Well it's good to know that we have steady and informed hands such as yours to steer the ship of state.

Steady and informed hands to choose the stable genius who helmed the richest and most powerful ship in the world into a covid morass, and now it appears that even though his office has way more preventive medicine than he has bothered to obtain for the country at large that has not prevented himself and his wife from getting the disease. Yes you have chosen wisely.

It would not take a Democrat three days to come out against white supremacists, so it's unlikely we would ever nominate a candidate to the liking of Beagles.

Oh, is the latest Latin American horde going to destroy America just like all the ones before it did?  Trump may not be able to save Beaglestonia because he may well be too sick.  Pence could step in but he has spent all the time maskless with the equally maskless covid breathers, and he might be too sick too.  But that's ok too because I'm sure Nancy could handle the situation.


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