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Monday, October 19, 2020

Oh, rats!

I should pay more attention to these posts, or lack of them.  I didn't realize that Mr. Beagles was boycotting the Institute; I thought he was taking a break, not wanting to go over the same-old, same-old.  And I don't blame him for that, not one bit, because I often feel the same way.  Funny thing, though; I can't recall any time that Mr. Beagles expressed disappointment that any of his topics were ignored.  Quite a few of mine have been ignored, too, but I don't mind.  Will complaining about it bring them back to life?  I don't think so but in a different context they may spark more interest in the future.


Take furnaces, for instance, a recent hot topic, har, har.  I had to dig a little but the last time the topic came up was this past March, when Mr. Beagles mentioned that the gas furnace was humming along nicely.  Maybe not really humming, they should be pretty quiet except for fan motors and stuff like that, but you get the idea.  You have to go back another year to the time of the roof leak when the furnace needed repair, so all in all, the furnace seemed pretty reliable.

But now it's inoperable, broke, defunct, or on the fritz and I got to ask myself, "Hmmmm?"  Sounds like an interesting challenge to me, but not a trivial problem or something to be taken lightly.  The Googler revealed a lot of info after a search for "gas furnace" but I don't know what Mr. Beagles considers an acceptable risk, even if it's only to take a close peek at the unit.  Mistakes with the combination of gas and electricity can be fatal and insurance won't cover damage caused by the incompetent homeowner, will it?  I'm surprised that it's so difficult to get a repair guy to check it out, especially in that neck of the woods, er, swamp.  I bet if you said you wanted to buy a new furnace they would be there in a heartbeat.

And how's that new truck working out for you, Mr. Beagles, does it meet or exceed your expectations?  No big dings or dents, I hope.


Finally, according to Orkin, for the sixth year in a row Chicago is the rattiest city in the United States.  We're #1!  We're #1!

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