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Monday, October 5, 2020


And now it appears that your hero has not only been  too ignorant to keep himself from the corona, but also once he found out that he had it instead of quarantining himself he was spewing his covid breath over his allies so that now the reps aren't even sure that they have enough senators without covid to nominate their latest supreme court judge.  Well you have your mantra that keeps you from having to consult your conscience or think too deeply about anything.  

But thankfully there are people who think about things.  You know earlier I kind of disparaged the wishy washies, but now I am thinking maybe they are not as bad as those who are just dead set on something, like Sure he shot that guy in bright daylight in cold blood in the middle of Fifth Avenue but I am going to vote for him anyway because I have this unfounded fear that the other guy will take my gun anyway and nothing in the world can ever change my mind about that.

Well luckily many of the wishy washies and more than a few republicans, after noting what an idiot he was at that debate have realized the folly and are coming to realize that maybe Biden is a better choice because you know, he isn't bull goose looney, which has been reflected in the most recent polls, and we are still waiting on polls that will reflect the knowledge of his covid idiocy.

My sister doesn't believe in polls, well she is thinking mainly of the 2016 polls that incorrectly said that the big girl would win the election, but really what they said was that there was a two thirds chance she would win, but that left a one third chance that she would lose.

After all these years people wonder why is the weatherman wrong so often, and the reason is that it is so complicated, it is all about molecules of air and, oh I had to look it up, there are 

1.04 × 1044 molecules of air in the atmosphere and it is all about how they bump into each other and if one hits the other just so that one will hit its neighbors just so, but if it hits it just a little differently it will hit its neighbors, and perhaps other neighbors a little differently and so on and so on until you get to the butterfly effect.  

Of course there are nowhere near 1.04 × 1044  people in the country. but they are made up of  7*10^27  molecules, and unlike the atmosphere there are way more different kinds of molecules, and if you calculate how many people there are in the country, I think that puts us at maybe a million or a billion times less complicated than the atmosphere but of course that is just peanuts in this magnitude of numbers.  

Kind of a digression there but the point is the weatherman doesn't always get it right, but you do read him or watch him every morning and plan your day approximately with that.  And that is why polls mean something.

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