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Friday, October 16, 2020

Davy Crockett, Immanuel Kant, and The Good Place, and ok furnaces for the thermally minded: Three new topics

 What?  Davy Crockett meant nothing to you?  What kind of red blooded American boy were you?  How about the Wolverine Watchmen, guys right in your backyard and also haters of Gutsy Gretch, you have no opinion on that?  I bring you two new topics and all you have is your furnace?  I am sure it is very interesting to you, but it's not much of a topic for sparking discussion.  Have you tried reversing the C13 connection and transfusing the Simpson duct with freon?  

I am sure that we get a lot of our right and wrong from our families and friends but the primary source is our genes because we are social animals and altruism is beneficial for our survival,  

I've discovered The Good Place on netflix, that was a discussion topic of this forum a few years in the past.  It was interesting at first.  It touched lightly on ethics and metaphysics, and had some interesting ideas but at season three it is all about who is hot for who and silly escape plots.  I think the turning point was when Eleanor became a cloying sweet little girl.

But they throw around Kant a lot.  Well he is a big enchilada around the philosophy set.  I remember him mostly for his issue with lying.  It was bad,  Period.  Your friend, Joe, who has done no wrong asks you to hide him because bloodthirsty criminals are after him, and you tell him to hide under your bed.  Their is a knock on the door and it is the criminals and they want to know if Joe is hiding in your house and of course you tell them yes he is.

Because you are obeying a higher law, and as for humans like Joe, well they come and go don't they?  But that doesn't feel right does it?  What kind of jerk acts like that?  It's good to read philosophy,  It's good to kick ideas around, but when it comes to a real-life situation we go to the heart,  Still it's no harm to think about something a bit before blasting off Old Betsy.

I don't think there was much division in behaving right about the epidemic in 1918.  If the prez was one of the Bushes, or Reagan, or even old Tricky Dick we wouldn't have this problem because any of them would have done something to fight it, because they wouldn't want a quarter million Americans to die.  Even Nixon if for no other reason than he would see that doing good on this would ultimately be to his own benefit.  The difference is Trump.

I did some reading up on Davy Crockett and I was going to expand on that but again the morning grows short.  Maybe next week.

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