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Sunday, August 16, 2020

You Can't Get Good Help Nowadays

Silly me, I thought that y'all wanted to stop the looting.  Of course my suggestion is no good if you want the looting to continue.

Like I said previously, Cheboygan is still experiencing Empty Shelf Syndrome.  It's not nearly as bad as it was right after the Corona hit the fan, but it's not unusual to have to go to two or three different stores to find something, and then have to settle for a different brand or package size.  I'm still not convinced that Corona is entirely to blame because, like I said, we have been having this problem since way before.  

According to a recent article in our local paper, other parts of the country besides Northern Michigan are having the same issue.  The store managers blame their suppliers, the suppliers blame the manufacturers, and the manufacturers blame their suppliers of raw materials.  They all blame the previous lockdown and say it might be a year or two before the pipeline is refilled.  

Another thing they all agree on is that it's hard to get people to come in to work anymore.  To be fair, this was also going on pre-Corona, but it's worse now.  Even during the lockdown, the "essential" businesses that were open all had "help wanted" signs posted and now they all do.  Some say it's because of that $600 bonus that was added to the unemployment checks, but that expired July 31 and, last I heard, hasn't been renewed yet.  Indeed, anybody around here who can make over $600 a week working would be thought of as upper middle class.  

Still, some people were complaining that the American work ethic was dead long before Corona.  I know that I would never hire some of my former colleagues at the paper mill, but there were others that I certainly would.  

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