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Monday, August 31, 2020

Lockdown works

 About half the states never put on lockdowns until like a month ago.  As some fb wags have said this was like having a peeing and a no peeing section of the swimming pool. If we had had a real president we would have had a nation wide lockdown not that ineffective state by state with many states doing nothing rubbish.  Yes, that is what I have been stating all along.  Obviously if we had a nation wide lockdown at the beginning, we would be doing much better than we are doing now.  

Testing is increasing but it is nowhere near what it should be to effectively fight the corona.

Maybe it was a month ago that I said that the corona would be spreading to rural areas.  From what has been related a lot of people in Cheboygan have not been wearing their masks when going into the Walmarts and even people working there have not been wearing masks.and even after Gutsy Gretchen mandated mask wearing I'll bet there are a lot of people still not wearing them.  In downtown Chicago roughly two thirds of the people in the street are masked and in the stores everybody is.  I hear from my friends in the burbs that masks are rarer and they all have higher rates than the city itself.

States like Arizona, Texas, and Florida that had huge rates not that long ago have seen their rates go down once they started mandating masks.  Other states like California who had locked down early were doing well, but then they started opening up and they have seen their rates soar.  

Faucci never said that if we wore masks for two weeks that it would knock the corona out, just that it would reduce fatalities by the tens of thousands, and if we had way more testing than we have now we could do a lot of contact tracing which we are hardly doing now, we could put out hot spots as they occurred and this would bring it way down, though it will probably never go away completely.  

And there is a lot more to locking down than masks, it includes social distancing and no large gatherings like we are seeing in the news every day, not least among the Trumpists.  

Fauci said that masking would be effective if ninety percent of the people masked, a number which we are nowhere near.  It is one thing to mandate masking, but if people ignore it it doesn't mean a thing.

When Beagles speaks of politicians not letting us win wars, I think he is speaking of anti war politicians.  There have been just as many or pro war politicians who got us into stupid wars which the voters of the United States grew tired of and voted against, and that's what got us out of those quagmires.

As for the darkling plain we now have a Trumpist killed in Portland.  Both sides will likely be arming themselves now.  No good can come of that.

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