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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Now What?

I heard something about this on the TV news this evening, and I wasn't sure that I undersrtood it until I found this on my news app just now:

"Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hasn't immediately sent over the impeachment articles to the Senate as she awaits the trial rules. The California Democrat suggested late Wednesday that she couldn't commit to transmitting the articles until she could be assured of a fair trial. But on Thursday, Pelosi indicated that they're waiting to see what's agreed upon in the Senate so that she can name the House managers who will present the articles and evidence to the upper chamber."

Apparently, thus impeachment thing is still not a done deal.  It seems the Senate has to decide on the format of the trial before Pelosi will formally present them with the articles of impeachment.  If that never happens, and she doesn't do it, then what?  Does that make the whole thing null and void?  You know, I never said that it wasn't going to happen, I just said that it hasn't happened yet, and it apparently still hasn't.

One thing I know about whales is that the Biblical Jonah was not swallowed by one.  The Bible says that he was swallowed by a "great fish" and, of course, whales are mammals not fish.  There is, however, a fish called the "whale shark", which is not really a whale at all, and not much of a shark either.  This guy goes around with its mouth open sucking in krill and other small stuff. kind of like a baleen whale, but not exactly.  It has at least two stomachs, maybe more, I don't remember.  the first stomach acts kind of like a bird's crop, just storing the food until the second stomach is ready to receive it.  The opening into the second stomach is restricted so that nothing very big can pass through.  If something that is too big gets into the first stomach, the whale shark eventually expels it, so the story of Jonah getting "vomited out onto the dry land" after spending several days in the belly of the great fish is not so far fetched after all.  Of course that doesn't prove that it really happened, just that it could have happened.

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