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Friday, February 26, 2016

throwing chairs again

I was thinking in the Republic those right to work laws would be very popular. and in fact, having no opposition, I'm sure the Republic would outright make unions illegal, and likewise they would pass laws that would do away with the minimum wage.  My thinking is that the laws you guys pass are applicable to your people and the laws we pass would be applicable to our people.  It does get thorny when we get down to the private sector.  If I am hiring I guess I want to hire people from the Republic because I can pay them peanuts and  don't have to worry about any pesky unions.  But I am probably not going to find many people like that because most employees will go to the Democracy so they can get a minimum wage and have a union.  Well maybe you guys would just buy a bunch of robots to build your stuff, but then who would you sell it too?  I suppose you could pay the robots and program them to buy your stuff, but there seems to be a flaw in there somewhere.

It sounds like a very foolish thing for that shelter developer to say, are you sure those are his exact words?  Possibly he meant that even though your mayor said there were no homeless in town, he was mistaken, and once he built the shelter the homeless would come skulking in from the alleys and the ravines and the underpasses.  You know those shelters, they are not like the Ritz Hotel, they are just a cot in a big room full of smelly people and you have to get out at dawn and not come back until nighttime.  It's not like anybody is going to quit their job and live that life of Riley.

We have tons of bums downtown, where I suppose life is a bit easier with steam grates and fancy restaurants and crowds to beg from than it is in the neighborhoods,  Even though we are no frozen swamp just across the river or strait, or whatever, from the socialist popsicle of Canada, we get plenty cold enough in the winter.  There were lots more bums in Texas when I lived there.  I reckon if I was a bum, I would head south even though Traverse City had that snazzy shelter.

You know they can hack anything, so I wouldn't worry about that chip.  Perhaps the Democracy could hack the chips of the Republic and make decent folks of you guys.  Not that we would do anything like that of course.

What you are saying about the Republican primary is what the pundits have been saying since the primaries started.  Before then the theory was that Trump can't win and now the theory is Oh Fuck.  Rubio talks a lot of tea party talk and has a crazed look on his neatly combed boy scout face, but he has roots in moderation, and the moderates see him as the best that they can do.  Cruz is batshit crazy and proud of it.  Neither guy and neither side shows any inclination to go for that coin toss thing, and even if they did, it's not a sure thing that either one could beat Trump mano a mano.  It's a pretty sure thing that in an election including moderates and democrats Trump could never win, but you never know.

Saw the debate last night.  If you are a fan of throwing chairs this was the cat's pajamas.  At several points all three were yelling at the same time (Kasich and Carson were just there as knicknacks).  I don't know why they don't have those buttons where they can turn off your microphone or why they don't soundproof the crowd, or why they have a crowd at all.

Instead of going at each other as they usually do Cruz and Rubio ganged up on Trump, it looked to me like he got the worst of it, but Trump people, you never know what they are thinking.

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