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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

maybe I am feeling the Bern

I think Trump is exactly what you see, a big windbag egotist.  It's been said that if he took the fortune he inherited and invested it in the S and P he would have made more money off that than from his wheeling and dealing, so I don't go for that he's so rich he must be smart baloney.  I don't think it's an act, he genuinely believes he is the smartest guy in the world, so whatever is on his mind he just says it because he must be right.  Everybody knows some asshole like that so to most people he is kind of a regular guy unlike the rest of the guys who are odd in that politician way.

It sounds like your guv ran as a tea party guy, and then maybe ran into practical things he had to do, and maybe people he couldn't just bulldoze so that he had to compromise.  Tea partiers make good senators and representatives because all they have to do is make speeches and if the government gets shut down they don't care if the rest of the country hates them because their constituents at home love them.  They are not so hot as governors because they actually have to try to get things done and work with other people and if they fuck up then it's their own constituents that get hurt and not just like liberals somewhere else.

But I am just talking out of my ass as far as Michigan.  I don't really know anything about Michigan.  I suppose I could do some internet research, but I am afraid when I googled his name all that would come up is Flint.

We have a sizable illegal immigrant population here in Chicago and in some of the suburbs.  They don't seem to cause any trouble, they are certainly not trying to take over.  Even Mexicans who are citizens don't vote very much.  Some of them do some drug smuggling, but that's just giving the people what they want, and if you don't like drugs don't buy them.  It's not like they are toppling the government.  As a matter of fact I can't think of the last time that we had a terrorist incident here and you know we have a lot of muslims living here too.

There's a lot of these Mexican immigrants who have been here like twenty years and have been working and having kids and going to church and all that jazz, just like native born Americans, except that they know that if they get stopped for driving without a license or maybe even get drunk one night and get caught bam, after some legal finagling they are riding that big airplane leaving their jobs and homes and families behind.  Just doesn't seem right does it? 

And yet when Obama tried to do something to ease their situation the reps stood against him, and when he tried to do it by executive order he was accused of gutting the constitution.

The bully, Christie, is taking a day or two off to think things over so he is probably gone and Carson and Carly are so far behind probably nobody will even notice when they officially drop out.  That leaves just five, you should be able to keep track now.  The clown car is headed south so that should favor Cruz and Bush.

Myself, well as I've told you I have been reading about the 1890s radicals who lived in the gilded age when the rich rode roughshod over the peons, and though the radicals mostly met up with bad ends their causes were taken up by the progressives and we ended up with a much more egalitarian nation, which we are rapidly losing today.

Maybe the progressives can do it again.  Maybe I am feeling the Bern.

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