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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Jumping to Conclusions

You seem to have a lot more faith in human nature than I do. I don't think most people care about ideology as much as they do about their own best interests. The only way you're going to hang on to your poor people is to keep them poor, give them just enough to maintain them in their current state of poverty. Don't let anybody starve or freeze to death, but don't let them get a leg up either.

I'm not so sure that our guys will want a wall, the only one I've heard talking about that is Trump, and everybody knows the only reason he's here is to sabotage the Republican Party. Military history since the days of the Roman Empire has demonstrated that walls don't work unless they are well guarded. The only way we could do that is to bring most of our troops home or hire lots of new ones. Maybe that's what we'll do instead of paying people not to work, give them government jobs guarding our borders.

I'm not so sure about the schools either. Of course we will teach creationism alongside evolution, explaining that they are both just theories after all. Other than that, I don't know what we would change. I would be in favor of abolishing sports and putting the money saved towards academics, but that's just me. Now that I think of it, we are both assuming that the rest of our ilks would be just like us, which is unlikely. If we made the Beaglesonian Institute required reading in all the schools, we might raise a whole new generation of enlightened geniuses, but maybe not. Kids don't pay much attention to what's being taught in the schools now.

Those deer were back this evening. I can tell it's the same ones because the mother has a bit of a limp on her left front leg. They were really close out the window and the light was good yesterday, but I didn't see any outward sign of injury, she just favors that leg a little. They are eating something close to the ground in the bare patches where the snow has melted, but I don't know what it is. Nothing is green yet, so it must be something left over from last season. They both look to be in good shape for this time of year, but it has been a rather mild winter over all.

That coyote in the vacant lot (Do they still call them "prairies"?)  might be sick, so I wouldn't try to pet it or anything. Coyotes are all over these days, but they usually keep a low profile. If this guy is making a public spectacle of himself, there must be something wrong with him. Maybe he's a liberal, or even worse, a fake conservative like Trump. Either way, he should be approached with caution, if at all.

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