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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

continuing the split

The economics of the Democracy of the United States could be shaky, but maybe not.  I am guessing we will split mandatory spending between us, but after that we will be freed of military spending which is more than half the discretionary spending.  We will get some rich people and the bible thumpers, most of whom are not rich, would go to you.  And then our people, being liberal and proud to pay their taxes wouldn't be cheating on their taxes.  Pretty sure that's true.  And those poor people who we will have lifted up by our enlightened programs will not desert us just to pay less in taxes.  Pretty sure that's true too.

And even though you will get the rich people, they are notorious tax cheats, and your presidents will have to cut taxes every year or else they will be voted out.  I imagine you will go with one of those flat taxes, but that will just apply to wages, not to investment money, so I don't think you will have much in revenue to even pay for all that military which you will have tromping through the mideast.

And then there is that wall which i am going to guess you have not done much research on how much it will cost to build it, and staffing it will cost as much as a minor war, and I am going to guess that a lot of your rich guys who make money off cheap labor are going to like it much.  Oh, and aren't you going to need a wall along the Canadian border too? 

I wonder what we could do locally.  I guess we could be checking IDs at the abortion clinics and gun shops, turning away those who affiliation doesn't approve of one or the other.  I don't think we can have two police forces though.  Probably not two mayors either.  My guess is we would get all the big cities and you would get all the small towns.  What about public education?  I think we are so far apart there that we would have to have two separate school systems, and yours would probably be private.  People with kids might come to our side because at least they could get schooling for their taxes. 

Well that's enough thought on that for today.

Your photos remind me of that phrase about the things you see when you don't have a gun.  But then I think hunting season is way over.  You did have a camera though. 

We have a vacant lot, between developments actually, here in Streeterville, our richest and densest neighborhood, just a little northeast of downtown, and recently the local news teams have discovered a coyote hanging out there.  Actually we have coyotes all over town but none of them living so openly.  Nobody was going to shoot it because we don't do that, and word on the street is that they eat rats.  And in fact people were leaving food for it.  One of our intrepid local tv news teams was interviewing a lady standing by the lot and she was all thrilled.  "I've never seen a wild animal before," she gushed, but then she brightened up and added, "Except for pigeons," I've seen pigeons."  City mice and country mice.

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