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Thursday, February 4, 2016

on to New Hampshire

Did a little internet research on European seasons.  There is indeed a warm air current coming from South America.  Hard to believe something like that would effect the weather inland, but apparently it does.  I remember when I lived in Champaign I figured that horizontally we were at the level of the south of France and yet we had no nude bathing beaches.  Still I think their seasons are anchored the same, if their summers come sooner they last longer, and their coldest spell is in mid January like us.  I did check first frosts and Berlin's are the same as Chicago, though Berlin is hundreds of miles north of the toddlin' town.

I did get around to reading wiki Gilgamesh.  It was kind of odd because there didn't seem to be much morality in it, more like some kind of buddy movie.  There were gods in the background pulling strings, but none of them stepped onto the stage.  I wonder if the Sumerians had specific gods or just a bunch of 'those guys,' most likely gods who fought among themselves like the Greeks did.

Your man Rand has dropped out.  One thing I learned about him reading his political obituary was that he caught heat for showing up for some Koch brothers cattle call wearing blue jeans.  I guess they thought it was disrespectful but I thought there was a bit of Beagles in that move.

So here's something I've been thinking.  Had political discussions with my older sister and with an old Champaign buddy lately.  We will all most likely be voting for Bernie in the Illinois primary, but we're not really rooting for him to win the nomination because we are not so sure that he could win the election and we are scared shitless of the current top three, and we don't find much comfort in the lower echelons either. 

But then listen to the republicans talk about Hilary.  Omigod, if she wins the nomination it will certainly be the end of the nation.  So you would think they would be putting forward their most electable candidate to avert this catastrophe.  But you would be thinking wrong, right now they are flirting with two guys who would get almost no support from outside the party.  Rubio is called the moderate, but nothing he says is moderate, but nobody wants to sound moderate in a Republican primary, and he has shown flashes of reasonableness in his past, and he is a bit of a flip flopper so maybe he is moderate for a republican.

Well it's just that thing I've said before.  We dems certainly look down on the reps, that thing Obama said about you guys clinging to your guns and your religion, but had to take back as soon as he said it, that is of course what we really think.  Can you imagine Cruz saying something crappy about dems and then taking it back?  Neither can I.  The republicans would rather be right than president, and so they probably will be, right that is, rather than president, and they will be right in the sense of right wing, rather than being right in the sense of correct about anything.

Have you, being if not Republican than of their ilk, been following this Clinton email thing?  I haven't much because it doesn't seem like there is much there, like Benghazi, but I hear murmurs from right wing bloggers and the candidates about it.

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