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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Tale of Sally O'Maye

Those bible stories are all a mishmash me to me.  Before talking to you I had no idea what order they came in.  Maybe the one I remember best is where somebody gets tossed into a furnace, and actually that's all I remember about it.  But we had a furnace in our basement and I had watched my dad shovel coal into it and the thought of being tossed in there was pretty scary. 

I don't think religions come from anywhere in particular.  I think it's just in our makeup to make up religions, like we do languages.  Isolate a group of people and they will soon come up with their own language and their own religion.  I think wiki says that the Canaanites who became Israelites were sort of like the hillbillies or downtrodden of Canaan, and maybe the Baal worshipers didn't want them in their church lest they overrun it and take it over, so they had to make up their own.

I remember Hammurabi, probably from like 5th grade or something.  It was a big deal to have all the laws written down like that, though I imagine they all had a rider something like, unless the king wants to do something different.  Still it was a big event, probably the first lawyers appeared on the earth then, and we all know how lawyers have enriched the world ever since.

I don't know how that went with Canaan and the Egyptians, but I'm pretty sure that this land changed hands many times.  Sometimes the Egyptians were the big enchiladas and sometimes the guys from the north were and sometimes both of them were involved in internal upheavals and the Canaanites/Israelis were left alone.

Those guys in the second or fourth or whatever it was century, picked and chose the books of the bible.  Certainly we of this modern age could make a better selection.  Did those New Testament guys have some details on the Reconstruction?  Nobody says you go straight to Heaven?  Well I guess it makes sense.  If dear Aunt Rosie went to Heaven twenty years ago, she would already have plenty of friends up there and probably wouldn't have much time for her annoying nephew.

Did we ever elect a board of directors at Elsdon?  I don't remember that, but I guess I would have been too young to vote, and my parents, though officially members, gave the place a wide berth because it always seemed to be asking for money.

Morality comes way before religion.  Morality is in our genes probably since we became mammals, and it was certainly intensified when we became the most social of animals.  I refer to altruism here and none of the shalt nots of the bibles or all the shalt nots added on as religion became more official.

I suppose you would know more than I about it, but I don't think deists ever had churches.  I think they had believing that God doesn't get involved a lot in common, but as to what they thought God wanted I reckon they all had their own ideas.

You know there are some atheists, I think they call themselves some kind of humanists, who don't believe in god, but miss all that churchy stuff, so they have some kind of halls where they dress up and go and sing and stuff I imagine, which to me is crazy man crazy.  I'm with you Beagles one of the best things about not believing in God, or not believing in Him very much, is that you don't have to go to church anymore.

Didn't like my story about the butcher's son and the confused preacher and little Salome (Sally) hiking up her skirts whenever she sat down in the pew?  Damn I thought i had a bestseller and a major motion picture there.  Just to get things correct.  The idea that blew the doors of the MYF was that you don't get to heaven right away?  Still doesn't seem all that shocking, and I still wonder about the sheep never getting to overrun heaven.

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