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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

let Elvis's people go.

I never, ever, ever, ever, said there were no Jews in Egypt.  I have said time and time again that there were surely Jews in Egypt seeking their fortune.  What I have said simply is that I doubt that the Israelis all of a sudden at some point took leave en masse from Egypt pursued by Pharaoh's army.  Makes me wonder if you read what I write.  I wonder if you are even following my serial about The Night the Rev Al Blew off the Doors at the MYF meeting.

I think it's an archaeological fact that Egypt ruled Canaan probably more than once, I believe it is also an archaeological fact that the Sinai was a desert all that time that all of this stuff never happened. 

You appear to be operating on the theory that if somebody has a theory or that if something is written down somewhere, there must be a germ of truth in it.  I believe plenty of those theories and writings have no truth whatsoever in them.  What about the birthers and the truthers and the folks that thing Elvis never left the building?

I don't want to get into this whole god thing again for Christ's sake.  All I am saying is that a lot of those bible stories, especially the old testament and I guess the older they get simply never happened.  If you want to be believe that Elvis was the renegade Pharaoh who crossed the Red Sea during a seiche, I guess it is a free country.

I have heard catholic used in the sense of universal but not very often.  Still, considering that when this was written it surely did refer to the Catholic church since Methodists were about thirteen hundred years down the pike.  I don't know when the particular version we recited at Elsdon was translated into English, but still wasn't the creed something like the pledge of allegiance, that is to say non-binding, and I don't believe it was much trouble when 'under God' was inserted, though I still, when reciting it, take a quick breath after 'one nation,' to remember to insert that phrase.

It's suffrage, not sufferage, if you are refering to voting.

There were only a few MYFers in the basement when Cindy entered.  Beagles was there of course, he was always the first one to arrive at the meeting, it was said that even though the MYFers were all without sin, although one had to wonder about Sally, that Beagles was even more without sin than all the others.  She sat right down next to him, waved her ring and they smiled their secret smile. 

She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something a little off about Beagle's smile.  Honestly sometimes in his mind he seemed miles away, like about three thousand, Judy reckoned, in a northwesterly direction.

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