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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Oh Ye of Little Faith!

People believe what they want to believe, it's part of human nature. I used to believe a lot of things but, as I grew older, I became more skeptical. That doesn't mean that I don't believe stuff, it just means that I try to keep an open mind. I read somewhere that, in order to enjoy a novel, movie, or TV show, you have to "suspend disbelief". That doesn't mean you swallow it hook, line, and sinker, it just means that you are willing to put your skepticism on hold for the duration of the show. There is no harm in it, as long as you know that, when the show is over, you have to come back to the real world. All this ancient stuff is like that with me. It has no impact on my real life, it's just something that I like to play around with in my spare time. You, on the other hand, refuse to even consider the possibility of any part of a story being true if it has the word "God" in it. All the ancient stories have some reference to God, or a god or goddess, so that means the only things you believe about ancient people is what modern people have written about them. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, if you're not interested in what those ancient people had to say about themselves.

Interesting that you should say that the Pledge of Allegiance is non-binding. Why then do they call it the "Pledge of Allegiance" instead of the "Suggestion of Allegiance"? I can respect somebody who refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance because he doesn't believe in it, not so much the guy who stands up and mumbles the words just because everybody else is doing it, and gives no thought to their meaning. I'm sure that the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed were intended to be binding when they were written. The fact that many people today don't consider anything like that to be binding is a sad commentary on modern society, which is why I have renounced it.

Thanks for clearing up that "suffrage" thing for me. That explains why I couldn't find it among the other permutations of the word "suffer". That's the problem with the dictionary, if you don't know how to spell the word it's hard to find it to see how it's spelled. If we had a decent spell checker on Blogger, it would offer suggestions about alternate spellings of a word instead of just telling us that we have it wrong. I guess the squiggly red underlines go away when we post the blog, but I still don't like being told that I'm wrong without being told why I'm wrong.

You have always been good about telling me why you think I'm wrong, so I guess I should tell you why I'm not interested in your MYF fantasy. Truth is, I'm not sure exactly why myself, but I think it has something to do with its sarcastic and frivolous nature. Are you trying to make a point with this thing, or are you just fooling around? Not that there's anything wrong with that!

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