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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

What Old Dog Said

Even before I read Old Dog's take on it, I had decided to call this thing a riot rather than an insurrection.  An insurrection implies organized planning, and I don't think that happened here.  Trump seemed to have wanted his people to raise an uproar around the Capitol, but I don't think he told them to storm the building, at least not in so many words.  Also, as Old Dog pointed out, they didn't seem to know what to do next once they were inside.  I read somewhere that several stashes of weapons were later found in the vicinity, but it doesn't appear that any of them were actually used, so it seems likely that the guys who stormed the Capitol were unaware of their presence.  Like I've said before, a big protest event like this draws all kinds of people out of the woodwork, which is why such things are dangerous.  Obviously Trump is guilty of something, but it might be easier to convict him of inciting a riot than treason.

I don't see either the impeachment thing or the Article 25 thing going anywhere, there just isn't enough time left before Trump is out of office.  I heard on the TV news yesterday that Fancy Nancy isn't even planning on submitting the articles of impeachment to the Senate because she doesn't want a long drawn out controversy detracting from all the wonderful things that Biden is going to do in his first hundred days.  The only advantage of impeaching Trump after he's gone is that a conviction would prevent him from ever running for office again, but I think the voters will take care of that.  One weakness in the poll that Uncle Ken mentioned is that it was taken the same day, perhaps even while the event was still in progress.  As people have time to digest this news, I'm pretty sure that most of them will conclude that Trump has gone too far this time.  

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