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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

the brown brink even nearer

 Morning at the brown brink eastward will not be springing for a couple more hours now, four hours from then Biden's hand will be on the bible.  Sometime before that the golden gopher will be scurrying south.  And last night out of the blue I got an email from U Chicago Hospital telling me that I had been the winner in some kind of lottery and I was eligible for a vaccination.  

The website was kind of confusing, there were all these times offered and the first few I clicked on turned out to be already taken and that took me all the way back to the beginning of the process.  Finally one worked but then the screen gave way to another that didn't have the day and time on it which I didn't remember after all that pecking.  Well there will be a confirmation email I assumed, but there wasn't, and by then it was after five and they weren't taking calls, so I will have to call later.

But how about that trifecta? Trump gone, vaccine within reach and spring at brown brink eastward springing.  Well not exactly springing, but if you look real close into the icy eyes of Old Man Winter you can see a tinge of homesickness for polar bears.  

There is still a Trump rump in the house, judging by how many voted hold the bogus vote on the returns and continued to do so even after the sacking of the capitol, and are now voting to strip Liz Cheney (whose dad gave us the Iraqi invasion, so I am not a big fan, but still it is so rare to see a spine among the repubs) of her position in the party.  But now Big Business is refusing to fund the Trump rump.

I am not a fan of big business.  Very roughly the battle between the parties could be called a battle between big business and the liberal agenda. But even big business can see that there is no future to a ship heading for an iceberg.  Anyway five hours to the inauguration.

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