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Friday, January 22, 2021

I Never Said That

 "Beagles' oft declared opinion (which he largely shared with Trump) that there is nothing to do about the pandemic except to sit around and wait to die,"

All I said was that the measures that have been tried for almost a year now have not worked.  More specifically, I said last summer that the first lockdown was a failure because it trashed the economy and did not stop the virus.  I seem to remember that this statement angered Uncle Ken to the extent that he refused to discuss the matter any further. Since then there have been numerous lockdowns and partial shutdowns all over the world, and yet the virus still rages on unchecked.  I believe it was Albert Einstein who said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time.", or words to that effect.  

"Okay smartass," you might say, "What do you think we should do to stop the virus?" That's a good question, and the answer is those three little words that men find it so hard to say: I Don't Know.  (Credit the old Red Green Show.)  The vaccine is probably a good idea if it works.  If it doesn't work, then it's back to the drawing board.  Don't keep sticking needles into people if it doesn't work.  

What about those wonder drugs that cured Trump of the COVID in a matter of days?  One of them was called "Regeneron" or something like that.  Call me paranoid, but that wouldn't be the first time they found something that works and subsequently withheld it from the public.  The electric car immediately comes to mind, not the high priced models they have today, but the prototypes that were jerked away from the people who had leased them and then wanted to buy them some years ago.  Those cars went straight to the crusher and, when the reporter asked about them, he was told they had never existed.  I saw this on TV a long time ago, but there must be something on the internet about it.  Maybe I'll look for it over the weekend.

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