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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I'm Entitled

 I believe that I'm entitled to a little pissing and moaning after putting up with all the pissing and moaning of my esteemed colleagues about Trump for the last four years.  That's okay, now that the Evil One is gone all our troubles will soon be over.  COVID will suddenly and inexplicably disappear, urban cops will stop shooting Black people, Black people will stop rioting and looting, former Trumpists will repent of their errors and embrace the liberal agenda, the shelves in the Cheboygan Walmart will become fully stocked, and it will be springtime in Chicago for ever and ever.  And that's only in the first hundred days!

All kidding aside, that email about the COVID vaccination sounds like a scam to me.  Our local news media has been warning us that there is a lot of that going on these days.  I hope Uncle Ken didn't send them any money or provide them with his personal information.  The tip off is that they contacted him out of the blue to inform him that he had won a lottery that he didn't even know he had entered.  Just because they claim to be working for the university doesn't mean that they actually are.  The way to check that is to look up the  university's number in the phone book, and call that number instead of the one provided in the email.  

As for all that about the "Trump Rump" and Liz Cheney, I have no idea what Uncle Ken is talking about.   

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