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Thursday, January 21, 2021

the day after the inauguration

 I certainly didn't mean to imply that Beagles shouldn't piss and moan.  Without pissing and moaning The Institute would become a shadow of itself.  I am merely complaining, and complaining about pissing and moaning is another big component of The Institute's vital mission.  

And the Trump mess will certainly not disappear with a wave of the holy book under Biden's palm.  There is a long and winding road to hoe.  That inauguration spectacle was a long and winding road itself.  I was only watching it because there was almost nothing else to watch, listening with half an ear, the word 'president' came up often causing my mouth to curl into a sneer, but then into a smile as the sweet revelation came upon me.  I was watching it on CNN and I have to say they were laying it on pretty thick, so I switched to Fox for some spice and they were bitter as ever, pissing and moaning about the departure of their hero in spite of all his glorious achievements.  

I think we will do better with covid with somebody actually trying to do something about it, And there will be some progress made in police reform, though I don't know how much.  And there will be rioting of course, but as we liberals believe the problem is not rioting as much as it is what is the cause of the rioting.  I'm surprised to hear that the Cheboygan shelves are still empty.  That appears to be a local problem.  Maybe if you guys would spend less time plotting to kidnap your governor you could take care of problems like local shelves. 

 former Trumpists will repent of their errors and embrace the liberal agenda,

Probably not that.  That's what I meant by the Trump rump.  If you are not familiar with the rump designation here is a good explanation.  rump state is the remnant of a once-larger government, left with limited powers or authority after a disaster, invasion, military occupation, secession or partial overthrowing of a government. In the last case, a government stops short of going in exile because it still controls part of its previous territory.

I meant the republican congressmen who are trying to oust Liz Cheney for her defiance of Trump.  And the thing is she is no murky moderate like Murkowski and Romney she is a fire-breathing right winger (I detest her), but still they want to oust her.  They are the Trump rump.

Mitch McConnell (who I also detest) is singing kumbaya now that he can no longer do any grim reaping, and it is likely just a pose, but the fact that he is doing it at all is something.  Savvier, more sane reps would be glad to shed the shroud of Trump but they will be beaten over the heads by the Trump rump all the way, and I look on that as a good thing.

I assume my colleagues being of advanced age and spending way more time in doctors' offices than they would like to are familiar with MyChart this terrible portal thing which is clunky and time consuming and not helpful at all, but which you have to go through, pissing and moaning about its inherent difficulty, whenever you want to ask your doctor anything or renew a prescription or whatever.

That is what the invitation came from.  They are not charging anything and it is not a scam.  And just last night I got an offer from another hospital.  It seems to me that it would be a better bet pandemic wise to vaccinate a teacher or even the nice young people who make my burrito at Chipolte rather than a sheltered old fart like myself, but if I don't take it I reckon it will just go to some other old fart, so that is what I will be doing next week.

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