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Thursday, February 6, 2020

White Flight

That's what they were calling it back in the day.  Calling them refugees was my own idea, I don't remember hearing anybody else calling them refugees, but I think the term is appropriate.  Refugees aren't always evicted from their homes, sometimes they abandon their homes and flee the scene because they believe it's too dangerous to live there anymore.  Many city dwellers had always wanted to live in the country, but they stayed in the city because it was easier to make a living there.  Rural electrification brought city conveniences to the country, and later improvements in transportation made it possible to live in the country while working in the city.  Most of the White Flight people probably would have sold their city homes and moved out sooner of later, changing demographics just caused them to do it sooner rather than later.

Many people who believe in science aren't all that familiar with the scientific method, they just believe what they believe because they heard or read about it.  Many religious people aren't much better.  They believe what their priest or minister tells them, it doesn't occur to them to seek verification in the Bible or any other source of information.  I have heard Uncle Ken's Liberal Agenda called "Secular Humanism", it's kind of like a religion but without the God part.  I am sure that Uncle Ken arrived at his beliefs through extensive study and introspection, but I'm not so sure about a lot of other Secular Humanists.  Indeed, many of them probably aren't even familiar with the term, they just believe what they see on TV and social media.  The only thing different about the Trumpists and their ilk is that they watch different TV programs and follow different blogs and tweets on the internet.

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