Republic, democracy, they are just words like pilsner or lager on a can of lawnmower, or as Beagles likes to call it yellow, beer. Doesn't have a thing to do with the contents. I stopped watching the impeachment hearings towards the end of last week, just as Old Dog said, a lot of the same stuff over and over in pursuit of a foregone conclusion. I understand why they are doing it, but I don't know why they are televising it. The Iowa caucus was even worse, just one reporter after another following well-meaning true Americans from one spot to another in some little nowhere precinct in Nowhereville, Even this morning they are not sure who won.
And you know, I don't care, not very much. Looks like Bernie or Biden to me, one guy I like better, and the other guy I think has a better chance of winning. I just want to win. The main thing is that everybody is being pretty nice (there are exceptions, but I maintain they are small) to each other and that's good, all hands together for 2020 to rip the money from Beagle's bank account and Old Betsy from his hands, and for good measure make him buy a gay dog and marry him.
Anyway there I was in 1953 and things were good in the neighborhood which was smack dab in the middle of the bungalow belt so nobody was very rich but nobody was very poor. It wasn't very intellectual but there were plenty of factories down on 47th Street and anybody could get a job and do well enough to buy a bungalow, a tv, an automobile, and maybe send that kid to college. In retrospect we were not that different from our country cousins whose offspring now feel denigrated and disrespected.
We were still coming out on top of the wreckage of WW II, and everything was getting better and better. I remember being taught about The Statue of Liberty (paid of by the pennies of school children), and all those DPs steaming past it on the way in to the country that welcomed huddled masses. I was proud to be an American. In our grade school graduation I got to read a paper. I have it around somewhere (a brief search this AM turned up nothing (don't you wish you could google your possessions?)), but I remember that I proposed education as the cure for the nation's ills. More education, smarter decisions, progress. people living in harmony and peace.
Well didn't everybody believe in that? Seemed like they did, who wouldn't.? It was basically The Liberal Agenda.
But there was a problem to the east. They had crossed Ashland and they were advancing towards the tracks on the other side of Western.
To be continued.
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