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Monday, February 3, 2020

Decisions, Decisions

 I think people supported him because he said the things they wanted to hear after years of perceived denigration and disrespect by politicians and opposition progressives.

I think the operative word here is "perceived".  I suppose different people voted for Trump for different reasons but, like the quote says, one of the primary reasons was that he told them what they wanted to hear, and he was the first presidential candidate in a long time to do that.  I was surprised that he has actually tried to do some of things that he promised to do.  If I had known he was going to do that, I might have voted for him myself.  I figured that he was lying through his teeth like he does about a lot of things.

Although I didn't expect it, I was hoping that he would be removed from office by the impeachment process, because then I wouldn't have to decide whether or not to vote for him in November.  I would never vote for a Democrat, no matter which candidate gets the nomination, because they all want to raise our taxes and take away our guns.  For me, it's a choice of Trump or the Libertarian candidate.  A vote for the Libertarian candidate would be a way to vote against Trump without voting for a Democrat, but it's essentially a protest vote because they will never win.  That's the way I voted last time, but I don't know if that's what I want to do this time.  I will surely vote against Trump in the primary, not that I expect it to do any good, but it will make me feel better.  When it comes to the general election, however, I'm inclined to hold my nose and vote for Trump because Michigan is predicted to be a close call again, and I don't want some Democrat to win because I threw my vote away again.

In the old days, the word "republic" meant a government that operates under the rule of law, but lots of countries call themselves republics that are run by dictators nowadays.  "Democracy" means "the people rule", but it doesn't say which people.  The ancient Greeks are considered to have invented democracy, but the only people they allowed to vote were free White homosexual males.  Come to think of it, our republic was the same in its early days, except for the homosexual part.  

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