I don't really understand what is going on in Iowa. They didn't use the app in all the years prior and everything seemed to be ok. They still have all the paper records like they did in past years. Why can't they just put those together and announce the victor like they have done before? Well the whole Iowa thing was like that corn palace in the Dakotas I think, kind of a colorful thing that people liked because it was colorful, but a lot of people also thought it was stupid and I expect it won't be a thing four years from mow.
That lighter story is interesting, One of the good things about cash registers is they did all the adding so the operator didn't have to. There was a small controversy in the grade schools about calculators. Should they be allowed when taking tests or not?. On the one hand who wants to put the kids through the torture of multiplying one six digit number by another, and long division, a horror. I still think they should know their multiplication tables though, sometimes you have to make a small calculation in your head, like Beagles, and it helps you know your way around the neighborhood of numbers. One time I was teaching them positive and negative multiplication, you know, like positive and unlike negative, and a lot of kids were like that is just too hard a concept and what they would rather do was multiply the numbers on their calculators and see what came out. To them learning to do arithmetic amounted to learning how to use a calculator. That is just wrong.
Our involvement with Vietnam ended with Ford. Well there wasn't that much involvement at that time. Vietnamization proved to be very successful at getting the US out, but not so good at stopping North Vietnam. Then we got Carter, and then to my horror we got Reagan, and then we got Slick Willie who was okay, and then W, who I think might have not been so bad if 911 hadn't happened on his watch and allowed Cheney and the neocons to take over. But then we got Obama. At last.
At last the triumph of the Liberal agenda had come along
Our long struggle was over and life was like a song
At last the skies glowed with good karma
Our hears were wrapped in hopeful change the night we elected Obama
See The Liberal Agenda, like science, is not just a grab bag of theories, it is also a method. It goes back to The Enlightenment. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. The Enlightenment did not spread at the point of a spear, it spread in the written word, It did not subdue its foes at the bottom of a hobnobbed foot. It enlightened them so that they willingly joined it. The basic fact was that we were all equal, the nobleman as well as the peasant, the white as well as the moor and the heathen chinee, men and women, gays and straight, look at the genome, we are all the same Jack, and it's illogical and impractical to act as if it were otherwise. And since we are all equal it follows that the wealth should be shared more equally than it was.
And this was all spread by knowledge, from the country schools of yore to the great schools of today, and now that wonderful spreader of knowledge the internet. And see finally the message had spread far enough to take the White House. Red states had become purple, purple states had become blue.
At last. What could go wrong?
To be continued.
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