I know what I heard, and I know what I said. If Uncle Ken chooses not to believe me, there is nothing I can do about it. Repeating it over and over again is not likely to change his mind, just as his repeating his assertion over and over again is not likely so change my mind. So, moving right along:
Convicted felons are not allowed to vote or posses firearms for the rest of their lives, although I have read in our local paper that there is a process by which it's possible for them to get these restrictions lifted after they have served their sentence, but it's not easy. To clarify, there is a federal law that covers only federal felonies, but many states have similar laws that cover state felonies. Michigan is one of them, I don't know if Illinois is. Entering the country illegally is a misdemeanor for the first offence, so this wouldn't apply to those that do, but it becomes a felony on the second or third offence, I don't remember which.
Illegal aliens do indeed pay taxes and send their children to public schools, and I'm again' that too. The same argument applies. They are not supposed to be here in the first place and, if they weren't here, they wouldn't be doing any of those things. So send them back where they came from, after a short jail sentence for the first offence and progressively longer jail sentences for subsequent offenses. Of course they can't catch them all, just like they can't catch all the murderers and thieves out there, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try.
We've been over this gun thing before. I once offered to compromise about the ARs, but Uncle Ken wanted to ban everything except single shots, so I withdrew my offer. I don't think he even knew the difference between a fully automatic and a semi automatic until I explained it to him.
I gave Joe Walsh the nickname "Alligator Joe" because I read somewhere that he had proposed to dig a moat along the Mexican border and stock it with alligators. It sounded like a good idea to me, but I later read somewhere that he had meant it as a joke. I noticed in the article that he said he had "tried" to run against Trump in the primary, so maybe he has dropped out by now. Last I heard, though, his name was still on the ballot for our March 10 primary, as was the name of William Weld. We probably haven't heard much about either of these guys because they can't afford to advertise on TV, but that doesn't mean I can't vote for one of them.
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