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Thursday, February 13, 2020

what went wrong 7

It's hard to believe but less than four years ago most republicans were not Trumpists.  I tried to get a list of all the 2016 candidates but I couldn't find a list that is easy to cut and paste.  But anyway all of them spoke of Trump with derision, but on stage, at the debates, they didn't lay a glove on him.  Perhaps they could have nipped him in the bud.  Perhaps if there had been fewer candidates somebody would have taken him on, but since there were so many maybe they all thought somebody else would do it.  Oh there was Jeb Bush, who seems to have vanished from the face of the earth, and John Kasich who surprisingly is not doing so badly in his current role as commentator.  All the rest of them, in accordance with their craven roles in the primary, have become vociferous Trumpists, aiming every utterance at the ever present Big Brother party of one.

But I have to confess that I was sort of rooting for him myself.  At first I thought he was a monkey wrench in the works of the GOP so that was great.  When he won the nomination I still felt well this is the weakest candidate to run against the big girl so I was all for that.  As he blustered and ranted I rather enjoyed it.  Now he is showing the whole electorate what an idiot he is, he is surely digging his own grave.  Another thing to remember from 2016 is Trump was much less wild than he is today.  Of course he had no power to abuse then, but in addition he had handlers.  When he went too far they would rein him in, and he would actually allow that, but over the past four years he has shed all of his handlers.  The guys with the elephant sticks are gone now, replaced by guys with those long-handled fans murmuring, "Yes M'Lord, yes M'Lord." 

For awhile there, for longer than I like to admit, I used to see a silver lining in his black outbursts, ha, there, even the most besotten Trumpist would see through that.  Most of them tie their own shoes and if a guy has the sense to do that surely he has the sense to see that the emperor is naked.

See that was The Liberal Agenda speaking.  The truth will set you free.  Once you see the facts and apply the logic, which you have learned to do due to universal schooling, you cannot help but come to the conclusion that the guy is a lying sack o' shit.  But no such thing happened, even though the pink skin gleamed clearly in the broad light of daylight, all they spoke of was how resplendent was the ensemble. 

Then there was the incident of the inauguration crowd.  All evidence, good, hard, cold, inconvertible, fact showed that Obama had a bigger crowd.  When faced with the videotape surely he would have to admit that he was a lying sack o' shit, and if he didn't his followers would see clear evidence and have to admit that he is a lying sack o' shit.  But he didn't, and they didn't. 

Facts are the bones that the sinews of reason attach to.  Without bones sinews are so many strings lying on the ground.  The Trumpists have destroyed facts.  Everything is just a matter of opinion, and their opinion is the only one that counts. The method of The Liberal Agenda has been hamstrung.

The Liberal Agenda has been obliterated.

There.  This is the point I have been leading up to over these past six points.  This is all I have to say about that.

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