What good does it do to know what you heard if you don't remember where you heard it? And since there are a lot of lying sacks o shit in these parts, if you don't remember where you heard it there is a good chance that it is incorrect, as it turns out was the case because when Beagles looked it up he discovered that it only applied, in a small way, and in a small area. His knowledge is now greater than it was before.
And it is all to my credit. If I hadn't challenged him he never would have looked it up. He would still believe that illegal aliens are voting in large numbers all across the USA. I consider this a small victory for The Liberal Agenda whose method is education and analysis. Beagles has educated himself and more power to him for that.
At the beginning of The Institute Beagles believed that Obama was a muslim. I was able to educate him on that point, and at that time I thought more enlightenment would follow. The Liberal Agenda is like the gentle rain that falls upon the hard and obdurate rock, and over time, because The Liberal Agenda is patient, it is able to form a Grand Canyon of thoughtfulness and tolerance.
The idea is to first show somebody that they are wrong. Think of Galileo at the top of the Tower of Pisa with two lead balls, one of them ten times heavier than the other. The common knowledge of the observers was that the heaviest ball would fall the fastest (I once actually did this in a fifth grade class with a fat book in one hand and a pencil in the other, the kids were amazed.). At least the observers, unlike Beagles, knew where they got their information, from Aristotle a very smart man from olden times. Those Greeks were very good at like philosophy and mathematics but their science sucked because they thought getting your hands dirty was only fitting for slaves, and would never have exerted themselves by hauling two lead balls to the top of a tower.
Anyway see, the idea behind The Liberal Agenda is that the ignorant, having learned that something they believe is wrong will be roused to wonder if maybe other things that they have heard were wrong and begin to think about them, to put them into the proverbial Crucible of Truth. and emerge from that experience wiser.
It doesn't work well with Beagles who is adverse to questioning his assumptions, and probably it won''t be long till he again asserts something that he heard, but he doesn't know where, and which upon inspection turns out to be wrong. But the gentle rain continues to fall.
Who is William Web?
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