Oh a sharp crack across Beagles's knuckles with Mrs Hradek's ruler for Beagles. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line in flat, convex, and concave geometries. Euclid begins his geometry with five axioms, things that are pretty obvious (like the shortest distance) and that everybody would readily agree on. From these he proves all the theorems that we learned in high school and many more. The first four are pretty simple, but the fifth is: That if a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the straight lines, if produced indefinitely, will meet on that side on which the angles are less that two right angles Boy that is even more complicated than I remember.. I remember it more like if you have a line, and a point outside that line then you can construct one and only one line containing that point that is parallel to the other line. Even Euclid thought that that last axiom was way too prolix, and there are some indications that he tried to prove it from the first four axioms, but he couldn't do that so he just kept in in the axioms.
This is the axiom that is untrue on convex and concave surfaces. On a convex surface there is no line you can construct from a point that won't intersect with that first line, and on a concave surface there are infinitely many.
Convex and concave are just two different surfaces. Everything Euclid said about geometry is still true for flat surfaces. There is no disagreement here. Another crack across Beagles's knuckles from Mrs Hradek.
In the eighteenth century there were two schools of thought, one by Berkeley and one by Locke. Berkeley maintained that everything that happened happened in our heads.and Locke said no, there is an objective reality outside our heads that exists whether we like it or not. It is not a matter of opinion as to whether there is a tree in Beagles's front yard or back yard. It is in one place only and can be measured and the measurements are true for everybody. It is a fact and facts are real and hard as rocks. When Trump says that the crowd for his inaugural was bigger than Obama's, that does make it so. We all have access to the facts in this case, and the facts point in only one direction.
Facts are the bedrock of logical reasoning and without them it cannot exist, and if it cannot exist than The Liberal Agenda cannot function.
The Liberal Agenda is not the democratic party. I am referring to the original definition of liberal which would include both the democrats and the republicans before they turned Trumpist. Conservatives and libertarians are both classic liberals. They believe that in a fair debate they can at least hold their own. Trump is not a liberal in the old sense and he is not a conservative in the new sense.
There are some conservatives like Beagles who have made a devil's deal with Trump. They are glad to sacrifice good manners, telling the truth, and the prez dominating the other two branches of government for conservative judges etc. But the true Trumpists, many of them who voted for Obama in 08, aren't all that interested in conservative values. They are full of resentment at what they see as the elites and they just want to tear the house down. Beagles is spot on in saying that they do not distinguish between truth and falsehoods, but I would take it further, they don't believe in truth at all, one man's opinion is as good as any other's, And the guy who is yelling the loudest is probably right.
I was going to speculate about what makes Trumpists run in this post, but I have had to spend most of it doing the work of Mrs Hradek which apparently did not take with Beagles the first time around.
The dems are not The Liberal Agenda, many of them are not on that page, and there are a number of republicans who are with The Liberal Agenda, mostly commentators, as far as republicans holding political office I think there are a few who are not up for reelection and that is it.
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