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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

which elite gets the most votes?

Beagles has a point there about people tending to read too much into the constitution, probably others read too little.  I expect it is much like the bible where you can find backing for anything.  The strict constructionists, the ones Trump likes to make judges, maintain that it doesn't matter what the writers of the constitution thought, it is only the words that matter.  Mostly this gives them leeway to make the words say whatever they want them to say without considering if that makes any sense,  I suppose there is a weakness on the other side too, who is to say what those guys were thinking under their bewigged heads.

If you are under ten years old and watching the founding fathers on one of those rickety squealing old moviolas your heart may have beat louder to that flowing rhetoric of the most idealistic lilt.  That was what I was thinking at the end of the last post, and maybe that was a factor in The Liberal Agenda, the equality of man and all that jazz.  I was thinking I was onto something, you know, a theory so crazy that it just might be right.  But having thought about it through the humdrum day and the dreamy night, I think, nah, probably not.  Soaring rhetoric is cheap, you hear it all the time, probably does not amount to a hill of beans.  Just as well, I have always distrusted those with the power to stir men's souls.  I think our souls are better left unstirred,  getting fired up just gets us into jams.

I am trying to figure out the thread of my last post before I came up with that big discovery which I have now consigned to the dust bin.  Sometimes I just start writing thinking something will come up and it doesn't always. 

Now I remember, it was about Buckley saying that he wanted only 'certain elites' voting.  On it's face this sounds repellent, probably because it is going to depend on who gets to choose the elites.  Well somebody might think, as the founding fathers apparently thought, that the richest people have the most at stake.  It occurs to me now that if that is a factor, then it should be the people who pay the most taxes who should have the most say.  On the other hand some might say no, we want the smartest people to have the most say, and you can  measure that roughly by how much education they have had, maybe the most schooling, the more votes.  If it was wealth we would probably get a more rightest government and if it was education we would probably get a more leftist one. 

But also when you are sitting on the throne the tendency is to make yourself more comfortable, so the richest would tend to make the world nicer for rich people at the expense of the poorer, and the better educated would make it better for the more learned and the expense of the less learned.

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