First of all I want to mention that the Benghazi investigations went on longer and likely cost as much, and came up with no indictments, no nada, and yet I don't recall Beagles pissing and moaning about that. Secondly I think it came up with a lot. The fact that both sides have there own spin on it is to be expected. Because two sides have different opinions does not mean that they are both equally right or wrong. I would differ on Obama being faulted for not doing enough in 2014, but that is not something I will go into now.
My ilk did look forward to the release of the Mueller Report as our salvation from the amber toad, but two years ago we still believed in the inevitable progress of the Liberal Agenda, and that when the people, of whom the Trumpists are a part, saw what a liar and thief the man was they would turn on him, and seeing his poll numbers going down the weak-kneed reps in the senate, like the cowardly lion, would regain their courage. In the two years since the investigation began we saw that no foul deed by their hero would sway the horde, and so yeah, the report has so far not changed that many minds. On the other hand it may have changed enough. I remember a prerelease poll that said that 70 percent said that their minds would not be changed no matter what came out. But that 70 percent is hard-core pro and anti Trumpists and nobody expects them to change their minds. It is that 30 percent of what Beagles likes to call the wishy washies that steer the ship of state these days.
Anyway their is still stuff to come out. And I've heard the Mueller Report is well-written and it costs about seven bucks and I will be picking one up at Barnes and Nobles this very morning.
The condo board can be quite powerful. When the evil queen and her court ruled our money was spent like water on crapola and nothing could be done about it until her term ran out. The current board does not seem to be so autocratic. I guess they could fine somebody and if they didn't pay the fines they could eventually kick them out, but that would probably involve lawyers and publicity and other residents would get upset that maybe they could be kicked out too. so I don't see that happening.
I guess my thought experiment has fallen on barren ground with the dawgs. Sometimes I throw this stuff in to divert from politics, but the dawgs are pretty pragmatic and don't like to speculate on things that can never happen.
Oh well, it's springtime in Chicago finally, and don't it feel good? Will be flip flopping out to Barnes and Noble this morning and then maybe I'll read out on my newly opened balcony..
Rats, just back from Barnes and Noble and they won't have the report for a few more days.
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