I seem to remember that the Birchers liked Thomas Jefferson, but my memory ain't what it used to be, and maybe it never was.
I also seem to remember that, while everybody knew about the Watergate burglary before the election, they didn't know that Nixon himself ordered it. Or did he? Maybe it was ordered by one of his people and Nixon tried to cover up exactly who was responsible. Regardless, the worst things Nixon did was kiss up to Red China and throw Taiwan and South Vietnam under the bus. Anything else he did wrong pales by comparison.
I find it hard to believe that anybody doesn't think that Trump is a bald faced liar, but it's been a long time since I talked to a card carrying Republican. Say what you want about Trump, but I think both his fans and his foes agree that he hasn't changed much since he was elected, which is more than you can say about a lot of politicians. That was my point, anybody who voted for Trump knew what they were voting for so they shouldn't complain about him now. Of course, anybody who didn't vote for Trump can complain about him all they want.
The reason I mentioned that joker in the Ukraine was because his election appears to be another effort to "stick it to the Man", as Uncle Ken so eloquently put it when we were discussing Trump's election prospects. Another thing about that joker is that he's Jewish, and the Ukrainians are not known for their love of the Jewish people. Maybe electing a Jew was their way of expressing contempt for their government, since they don't have any Blacks.
In order for a constitutional amendment to pass, it must be introduced in Congress and passed by both houses. Then it has to be ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures. I am not aware of anybody, Democrat or Republican, who has recently introduced a proposal to abolish the Electoral College in Congress.
Slavery is certainly not enshrined in the US Constitution. The only mention or it that I am aware of is in Article III, Section 2, where it says that all free persons, except Indians not taxed, and 3/5 of all "other persons" are to be counted in determining each state's representation in the House of Representatives. In keeping with the 10th Amendment, the slavery question devolved to the individual states, until it was prohibited nationally by the 13th Amendment after the Civil War.
I agree with Old Dog, if you don't like the news, you don't have to watch it or read it. I pay more attention to the news now than I ever have, due largely to the influence of my esteemed colleagues, but I still tune out the things that bore me, like those eternal investigations.
Speaking of Old Dog, the last I heard he was being troubled by loss of appetite. Could it be because he has been eating his own cooking lately? Of course there is a learning curve with any new enterprise that we entertain, but that doesn't mean you have to eat all of your mistakes.
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