We used to go out to the forest preserves from time to time. I've been to the little red school house. I think it was kind of famous but for a kid not all that interested in the great outdoors I found it kind of boring. Camp Kiwanis sounds vaguely familiar. Sounds like the name of a place where we used to camp. At first we camped in these big barracks-like buildings, but then we went on this drive selling first-aid kits door to door and made enough money to buy pup tents which were supposed to be so great, but I remember waking up in one on some cold winter morn and wishing I were someplace indoors. There were those grumpy scout leaders, and when they cooked their crappy meals (mostly shit on a shingle) we had to eat out of these crappy mess kits where everything fit into everything else, and after we ate we had to wash them and put them together again. This was supposed to be fun?
One forest preserve place I particularly remember is the sand hill. I wonder if Beagles, being a little familiar with Palos Park it was in the Palos Park forest preserves, would have any idea where that was. Right at the base of the hill there was a bubbling brook rife with crayfish. Cute little buggers, we kids caught some and insisted on bringing them home as pets. They died horrible deaths in a stagnant tub of water in a corner of the basement that stunk of rotten bologna.
Beyond the brook was the sand hill itself. It was kind of a cliff with a sandy side by the brook exposed. When we first started coming there it seemed enormous, but as the years went by and I got bigger it was not all that high. Still fun though. When you got to the top there was, well a forest. It was okay
My favorite spot for getting away from the noise of the city is Northerly Island where Meigs field used to be. It's a pretty big stretch of land, and not many people on the trails, and cresting a hill (they have built hills) you come across the skyline of downtown, so faraway and so silent. The trouble with the place is that there is some godawful concert venue right at the entrance and when they have a concert the whole place is blocked off,
I'm not paying much attention to the thousand dem candidates blooming. I just wish that we could pick a name out of a hat, young, old, socialist, moderate, whoever, and we could all vote him in against Trump,. I fear a big fight where one faction will beat the other and the defeated faction will not come out on election day. I think I have said this before, but I don't think I can say it enough.
I'm not a big fan of Old Joe (didn't Old Joe used to be Joe Lieberman? Is it some kind of rule that if your name is Joe, when you get old you become Old Joe), but I'm giving him a pass on that hugging thing. There is nothing remotely sexual about it, he is not trying to intimidate them, but now it seems to be a rule that if anybody does or says anything to you that you personally find icky, it is your duty to out them. PC is creeping into the dems and tying us in knots while the reps can boast of grabbing women by their pussies and it's no big deal, just he-man locker room talk. Remember when the reps use to be the prudes?
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